$CPNEWS — Token settings for launch (update 2)

CryptoPol News Communication
2 min readApr 15, 2022


The trade release date is scheduled for April 15, 2022 at 4pm GMT.

On that date, $CPNEWS will be available for trading on decentralized exchanges (PancakeSwap, …).

$CPNEWS has been implemented with an anti-bot feature to avoid extreme volatility generally due to launch.

The following has been settled up for the first transactions

  • First transaction will be limited to 50,000,000 $CPNEWS
  • This limit will increase by $CPNEWS 12,500,000 with each new block for the next 2,500 blocks
  • 60 seconds will be necessary to perform 2 consecutive transactions until the last block of the anti-bot
  • If required, team has the ability to stop the anti-bot function earlier

Transactions will be taxed at 10% :

Token price for launch

1 BNB = 500,000,000 CPNEWS

Update to the token allocation

$CPNEWS token allocation update (v03)

Why the token distribution has been updated?

The initial idea of launching the token in presale mode was not, in our opinion, the best way to involve the community in the decision-making process. We believe public launch is a better way to get the community together to decide on the ideal launch price.

We also planned some tokens to be airdropped to holder community.

This update reflects this new approach.

Website: https://cryptopol.news/

Whitepaper: https://cryptopol.news/documents/whitePaper/CPN-Whitepaper-v00.pdf

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